კონკურენციის პოლიტიკის ეფექტიანი აღსრულების გავლენა ძირითად მაკროეკონომიკურ მაჩვენებლებზე
Date Issued
Despite having the up to 30 years of history, the Georgian Competition Policy was reimplemented and brought back on the economic policy agenda in 2014. Considering the gap
in enforcement between 2005 and 2014 the renewed agenda has gained more importance and
the need for broad academic support and research has been established. The presented master’s
thesis is also a part of this academic processes.
The work concerns with the impact of effective enforcement of competition policy on
the main macroeconomic indicators. In this context it defines the effective enfocement and its’
components for measurement of the effectiveness of enforcement. On the other hand the work
identifies main macroeconomic indicators which may be theoretically considered as relevant
in the context of competition policy. Along with theoretical analysis of the impact, the research
was conducted based on empirical data of 5 transitional and fast developing economies
(including Georgia) for the period between 2006 and 2018.
The primary goal of the research was to analyse the issue of the existence of any impact
between competition policy enforcement and selected macroeconomic indicators, but leaves
the exact quantitative evaluation of the impact as a topic for the future deep econometrical
analysis. Within the research framework the new variable (CPE index) was created for the
measurement of the effectiveness of the competition policy.
Summing up, the presented thesis gives answers on the stressed problem as it was
possible in the M.Sc. research framework, creating justified academic opinion on the matters
of actual discussion on the need and feasibility of the competition polici on the national or
international level.
in enforcement between 2005 and 2014 the renewed agenda has gained more importance and
the need for broad academic support and research has been established. The presented master’s
thesis is also a part of this academic processes.
The work concerns with the impact of effective enforcement of competition policy on
the main macroeconomic indicators. In this context it defines the effective enfocement and its’
components for measurement of the effectiveness of enforcement. On the other hand the work
identifies main macroeconomic indicators which may be theoretically considered as relevant
in the context of competition policy. Along with theoretical analysis of the impact, the research
was conducted based on empirical data of 5 transitional and fast developing economies
(including Georgia) for the period between 2006 and 2018.
The primary goal of the research was to analyse the issue of the existence of any impact
between competition policy enforcement and selected macroeconomic indicators, but leaves
the exact quantitative evaluation of the impact as a topic for the future deep econometrical
analysis. Within the research framework the new variable (CPE index) was created for the
measurement of the effectiveness of the competition policy.
Summing up, the presented thesis gives answers on the stressed problem as it was
possible in the M.Sc. research framework, creating justified academic opinion on the matters
of actual discussion on the need and feasibility of the competition polici on the national or
international level.
Samagistro Sergia.pdf
კონკურენციის პოლიტიკის ეფექტიანი აღსრულების გავლენა ძირითად მაკროეკონომიკურ მაჩვენებლებზე
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