მთლიანი ინვესტიციების თეორიული და ეკონომეტრიკული მოდელები
Date Issued
In this research, we analyse the theoretical and econometric models of gross investments.
The investment decisions of firms and households deserve stady for several important reasons.
First of all, investment is an important indicator of country’s macroeconomical situation. Secondly, It’s most unsustainable part of joint expenses and it’s spending contributes in significant ways to long-term growth of the economy.
Main aim and objective of research is to review basic theoretical aspects of investments, including detecting connections between them. Practical econometrical model of investment is based on the economy of Georgia.
The work consists of 3 parts. In the first part we review types of investments and basic theoretical models:
Keynesian theory of investment.
Accelerator theory of investment.
Autoregression theory of investment.
Tobin's q theory.
Neoclassical theory of investment.
Second part is about neoclassical theory of investment. In details is discussed it’s basic principles, model in the continuous and discrete cases.
In third part we review practical econometrical models, which is based on economy of georgia. We outline impact of deposits and loans interest rates and gross domestic product on gross investments. Were used linear, logistic, autoregressive distributed lag (ADL) and error correction (ECM) models.
The investment decisions of firms and households deserve stady for several important reasons.
First of all, investment is an important indicator of country’s macroeconomical situation. Secondly, It’s most unsustainable part of joint expenses and it’s spending contributes in significant ways to long-term growth of the economy.
Main aim and objective of research is to review basic theoretical aspects of investments, including detecting connections between them. Practical econometrical model of investment is based on the economy of Georgia.
The work consists of 3 parts. In the first part we review types of investments and basic theoretical models:
Keynesian theory of investment.
Accelerator theory of investment.
Autoregression theory of investment.
Tobin's q theory.
Neoclassical theory of investment.
Second part is about neoclassical theory of investment. In details is discussed it’s basic principles, model in the continuous and discrete cases.
In third part we review practical econometrical models, which is based on economy of georgia. We outline impact of deposits and loans interest rates and gross domestic product on gross investments. Were used linear, logistic, autoregressive distributed lag (ADL) and error correction (ECM) models.
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მთლიანი ინვესტიციების თეორიული და ეკონომეტრიკული მოდელები
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