პერსონალის მართვის თავისებურებები მულტიკულტურულ გარემოში
Date Issued
Human resources management in multicultural environment is a new and not fully developed in management theory. Relevance of the topic conditioned by the fact that global companies have problems with personnel management. The process of management of international human resources includes the development of so-called "global management", which in addition to the traditional qualities, qualifications and functions of a successful manager must combine the experience of international communication and cross-cultural competence. In the topic will be discussed basic elements of personnel management, their international movement, preparation and selection stages and other major issues that associated with personnel management in multicultural environment. The aim of theoretical and practical studies is peculiarities of the detection that characterizes multicultural environment. The object of research is multicultural groups, which work in international environment. The subject of research isdeveloping management strategies for working with that groups. Therefore, we can set the following tasks:
1) Identified the main factors, which has an influence on personal working and management
efficiency in multicultural environment;
2) Influence of each factor on personal managementon the example of different companies;
3) Revealing of the overall principles of management, which has an influence on effective work of multicultural groups.
1) Identified the main factors, which has an influence on personal working and management
efficiency in multicultural environment;
2) Influence of each factor on personal managementon the example of different companies;
3) Revealing of the overall principles of management, which has an influence on effective work of multicultural groups.
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პერსონალის მართვის თავისებურებები მულტიკულტურულ გარემოში
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