მართა-მარიამ ბაგრატიონი საქართველოს და ბიზანტიის კულტურულ და პოლიტიკურ ცხოვრებაში
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Presented work refers to Queen Martha, king of Bagrat IV of Georgian King, who was asked by the Byzantine Emperor Mikhail VII Dukas. The work consists of six chapters, from the introduction and conclusion.
Actuality of the work was caused by the personality of the Queen. Generally, in recent years, I have been studying the queen institute and my attempts to gather information about Martha-Mariam and in one area, I think this is related to popularization.
In general, the Georgian queens are scarce in Georgian historiography, which is due to their status. The first ruler was the king and the queen remained in his shadow.
As for Martha-Mariam, it is sad that she will be limited to just two sentences. I tried to collect articles, Georgian and Byzantine sources at different times and with their help restored his activities. It cost him the fight for his son's throne and despite his tense political life, how many things he could do for his country.
Actuality of the work was caused by the personality of the Queen. Generally, in recent years, I have been studying the queen institute and my attempts to gather information about Martha-Mariam and in one area, I think this is related to popularization.
In general, the Georgian queens are scarce in Georgian historiography, which is due to their status. The first ruler was the king and the queen remained in his shadow.
As for Martha-Mariam, it is sad that she will be limited to just two sentences. I tried to collect articles, Georgian and Byzantine sources at different times and with their help restored his activities. It cost him the fight for his son's throne and despite his tense political life, how many things he could do for his country.
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მართა-მარიამ ბაგრატიონი საქართველოს და ბიზანტიის კულტურულ და პოლიტიკურ ცხოვრებაში
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