ლოგისტიკური სერვისების მომწოდებლების ეფექტიანობის საკვანძო მაჩვენებლები (KPI) აჭარის მაგალითზე
Date Issued
The master's thesis "Key performance indicators (KPI) of logistic service providers on the example of Ajara AR" is written in Georgian, consists of 64 pages, introduction, three chapters, conclusions, bibliography and annexes.
The first chapter of the thesis - "Key performance indicators and their importance in the field of logistics" consists of three sub-chapters. In the first sub-chapter the definitions compiled over the years by foreign and Georgian authors upon the essence of efficiency are represented, the goals of the performance measurement are provided and four different approaches are discussed that can be used to measure performance efficiency. We also mentioned that logistics performance efficiency is affected by several factors/drivers, which are discussed in the second sub-chapter of the work. These drivers are formulated as facility, inventory, transportation, information, sourcing and pricing. In the third sub-chapter of the work we focused on flexibility, minimum costs and quality as the most important economic characteristics defining efficiency of the logistics operations.
The first chapter of the thesis - "Key performance indicators and their importance in the field of logistics" consists of three sub-chapters. In the first sub-chapter the definitions compiled over the years by foreign and Georgian authors upon the essence of efficiency are represented, the goals of the performance measurement are provided and four different approaches are discussed that can be used to measure performance efficiency. We also mentioned that logistics performance efficiency is affected by several factors/drivers, which are discussed in the second sub-chapter of the work. These drivers are formulated as facility, inventory, transportation, information, sourcing and pricing. In the third sub-chapter of the work we focused on flexibility, minimum costs and quality as the most important economic characteristics defining efficiency of the logistics operations.
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ლოგისტიკური სერვისების მომწოდებლების ეფექტიანობის საკვანძო მაჩვენებლები (KPI) აჭარის მაგალითზე
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