ჯანმრთელობაზე მოქმედი სოციალური დეტერმინანტები და მულტიდისციპლინური პრაქტიკა პირველად ჯანდაცვაში
Date Issued
According to World Health Organization “Health is a state of complete physical,
mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.“ (WHO
2020) Some of the diseases can be triggered by social and economic environment.
One’s health is primarily influenced by lifestyle, behavior and environment in
which person lives, operate and function. Holistic medicine also accepts this point of
view. According to WHO’s report, which describes Georgia’s primary healthcare system,
it’s compulsory to reorganize the system, to implement a multi-sectoral policy and focus
on the main determinants.
Previous work focuses exactly on this topic, which aims to discuss social
determinants and primary health system together as part of one context. That increases
the role of primary healthcare system in preventing, managing and indicating diseases.
Given project also focuses necessity of system’s reorganization into multidisciplinary
teams. It’s methodical approach is quantitative research. Data was collected by the
meaning of online questionnaire. The research proved the hypothesis with the help of
data analysis.
It became clear that awareness about the social determinants that affect our
health is low among citizens and the primary healthcare providers (doctors and
managers). Primary healthcare system poorly achieves it’s goals. Awareness about
primary healthcare system’s multidisciplinary work principals is also low, which normally
would help citizens to maintain proper health condition and manage existing risks.
mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.“ (WHO
2020) Some of the diseases can be triggered by social and economic environment.
One’s health is primarily influenced by lifestyle, behavior and environment in
which person lives, operate and function. Holistic medicine also accepts this point of
view. According to WHO’s report, which describes Georgia’s primary healthcare system,
it’s compulsory to reorganize the system, to implement a multi-sectoral policy and focus
on the main determinants.
Previous work focuses exactly on this topic, which aims to discuss social
determinants and primary health system together as part of one context. That increases
the role of primary healthcare system in preventing, managing and indicating diseases.
Given project also focuses necessity of system’s reorganization into multidisciplinary
teams. It’s methodical approach is quantitative research. Data was collected by the
meaning of online questionnaire. The research proved the hypothesis with the help of
data analysis.
It became clear that awareness about the social determinants that affect our
health is low among citizens and the primary healthcare providers (doctors and
managers). Primary healthcare system poorly achieves it’s goals. Awareness about
primary healthcare system’s multidisciplinary work principals is also low, which normally
would help citizens to maintain proper health condition and manage existing risks.
Samagistro Maghaldadze.pdf
ჯანმრთელობაზე მოქმედი სოციალური დეტერმინანტები და მულტიდისციპლინური პრაქტიკა პირველად ჯანდაცვაში
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