ადამიანური რესურსების მართვის სტრატეგიები საქართველოში მოქმედ საერთაშორისო კომპანიებში
Date Issued
The research project presents issues related to strategic human resource management. The aim of the research project is to substantiate the importance of proper human resource management in the organization, to get acquainted with its modern trends and to determine the need for improvement of management methods for the successful operation of the organization.
The research project discusses issues such as: the essence of human resource management, job attraction, personnel selection and socialization, personnel management policy. To find out how important a successful staff is for the organization and what efforts are required to properly plan it. How to implement effective management policies.
The development trends of personnel management in the world, the essence of organizational socialization, the importance of the work environment in the organization, the difficulties of adapting new staff and how to deal with these problems are also discussed.
According to these issues, a study was conducted with Rompetrol Ltd. employees of Ltd. and reflected the impact of this or that issue on employees, how each manager's decision affects employee motivation and activities, analyzes the importance of proper human resource management in the company's success and ways to improve , Which will improve human resource management and therefore the success of the company. Based on the research, the recommendations presented by the organization in order to achieve success in difficult and competitive environmental conditions are presented.
The research project discusses issues such as: the essence of human resource management, job attraction, personnel selection and socialization, personnel management policy. To find out how important a successful staff is for the organization and what efforts are required to properly plan it. How to implement effective management policies.
The development trends of personnel management in the world, the essence of organizational socialization, the importance of the work environment in the organization, the difficulties of adapting new staff and how to deal with these problems are also discussed.
According to these issues, a study was conducted with Rompetrol Ltd. employees of Ltd. and reflected the impact of this or that issue on employees, how each manager's decision affects employee motivation and activities, analyzes the importance of proper human resource management in the company's success and ways to improve , Which will improve human resource management and therefore the success of the company. Based on the research, the recommendations presented by the organization in order to achieve success in difficult and competitive environmental conditions are presented.
Elene Zurashvili Samagistro.pdf
ადამიანური რესურსების მართვის სტრატეგიები საქართველოში მოქმედ საერთაშორისო კომპანიებში
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