Financial situation analysis issues on the example of JSC Sarajishvil
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Comparing a systematic analysis of the financial condition of an enterprise plays an important role in making the company's key management decisions. Financial situation analysis involves a detailed study of the assets of the enterprise and their sources of financing, including the analysis of the enterprise's assets, business activities, liquidity and solvency, as well as profitability and financial sustainability.
The master's thesis consists of two parts: the first part presents the importance of financial condition analysis and the main theoretical issues. The second part discusses the analysis of the financial condition of the joint stock company Sarajishvili based on the data of individual financial statements for 2018. In the practical part, structural, dynamic and coefficient analyzes of the enterprise are conducted.
In the final part, based on the results of the analysis, appropriate conclusions are made and recommendations are issued to improve the financial condition of the enterprise.
At the end of the paper is a list of used literature and as an appendix are the components of JSC Sarajishvili's 2018 individual financial statements..
The master's thesis consists of two parts: the first part presents the importance of financial condition analysis and the main theoretical issues. The second part discusses the analysis of the financial condition of the joint stock company Sarajishvili based on the data of individual financial statements for 2018. In the practical part, structural, dynamic and coefficient analyzes of the enterprise are conducted.
In the final part, based on the results of the analysis, appropriate conclusions are made and recommendations are issued to improve the financial condition of the enterprise.
At the end of the paper is a list of used literature and as an appendix are the components of JSC Sarajishvili's 2018 individual financial statements..
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