გაყიდვების სფეროში სახელფასო ანაზღაურების სისტემის გავლენა მოტივაციის ზრდაზე საქართველოს სადაზღვევო სექტორის მაგალითზე
Date Issued
The paper discusses the importance and impact of the material incentive mechanism for increasing the motivation and productivity of sales staff in an insurance sector.
The subject of the research conducted within the framework of the master's thesis is to determine an impact of salary on an increase of motivation of sales staff in the insurance sector of Georgia. For investigation of this issue there was used quantitative research method. 203 respondents participated in this research and they were inquired via email. The participants in the study are sales staff working in Georgian insurance companies. The inquiry was conducted through a questionnaire.
The study found that the payment system has an impact on increasing the motivation of sales staff. Material incentives are closely related to the stimulation of working of the sales staff and it significantly determines an effectiveness of their activities in the insurance sector.
The results confirmed that management should use forms of financial incentives as much as possible to increase the motivation of employees. This will increase employee’s’ productivity, job performance and job satisfaction and this will ultimately cause an improvement of the company.
The subject of the research conducted within the framework of the master's thesis is to determine an impact of salary on an increase of motivation of sales staff in the insurance sector of Georgia. For investigation of this issue there was used quantitative research method. 203 respondents participated in this research and they were inquired via email. The participants in the study are sales staff working in Georgian insurance companies. The inquiry was conducted through a questionnaire.
The study found that the payment system has an impact on increasing the motivation of sales staff. Material incentives are closely related to the stimulation of working of the sales staff and it significantly determines an effectiveness of their activities in the insurance sector.
The results confirmed that management should use forms of financial incentives as much as possible to increase the motivation of employees. This will increase employee’s’ productivity, job performance and job satisfaction and this will ultimately cause an improvement of the company.
Nino Khutsishvili Samagistro.pdf
გაყიდვების სფეროში სახელფასო ანაზღაურების სისტემის გავლენა მოტივაციის ზრდაზე საქართველოს სადაზღვევო სექტორის მაგალითზე
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