საქართველოს რეგიონული განვითარების გეოგრაფიული ასპექტები
Date Issued
The goal of the Master's thesis is to analyze the spatial consequences of realization of Georgia's regional development policy. In our opinion the topic is quite relevant, since the progress of the entire country is impossible without the development of its separate parts and carrying out the reasonable regional policy. In general, the regional development means taking measures aimed at raising the living standards and welfare of the population living in the regions and it contributes to the growth of the competitiveness of the regions in socio-economic spheres.
The main objective of the work is to find out how regional policies are actually formed and developed in the country at the level of implementation of “from top to bottom” projects and who is responsible for their implementation, what their sources of financing are and what the consequences of these projects are on the regional development of the country. The accompanying procedures of “from bottom to top” projects’ demands and their further implementation are also discussed in the work.
In addition, the work objectives are to analyze the strategic documents of the policy influencing the country’s regional development process and to identify the correlation of self-government reforms with the regional development process of Georgia.
The main objective of the work is to find out how regional policies are actually formed and developed in the country at the level of implementation of “from top to bottom” projects and who is responsible for their implementation, what their sources of financing are and what the consequences of these projects are on the regional development of the country. The accompanying procedures of “from bottom to top” projects’ demands and their further implementation are also discussed in the work.
In addition, the work objectives are to analyze the strategic documents of the policy influencing the country’s regional development process and to identify the correlation of self-government reforms with the regional development process of Georgia.
MA Thesis.Janjgava sazgeo.pdf
საქართველოს რეგიონული განვითარების გეოგრაფიული ასპექტები
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