მცირე საოჯახო ტიპის სახლებში მცხოვრები ბავშვები და განათლება
Date Issued
Education is the one of the problematic and complex issue for social integration of children who lives in small group homes. The educational achievement of the children in the small group homes is the serious challenge for child care field as it supports their future engagement in the labour market. The aim of the paper is to study the attitudes of children in small group homes towards the education, to consider their achievments and failures in the process of getting education; to work out the recommendations for educational system and the small group home in order to improve the standarts of education in the child care.
In order to achive this goal we choose the triangulation approache, namely conducted: For measuring children opinion, we conducted survey in 20 districts/cities of Georgia, where the small group homes are located and interviewed 216 chilren. Because, there is an only 365 child in care at this moment, the results can be generalized. Additionally we reviewed the scinetific, research literature, legislations, reports, etc. Furthermore, we conducted 8 expert interviews with the social workers, heads of the small group home programs and carer.
In order to achive this goal we choose the triangulation approache, namely conducted: For measuring children opinion, we conducted survey in 20 districts/cities of Georgia, where the small group homes are located and interviewed 216 chilren. Because, there is an only 365 child in care at this moment, the results can be generalized. Additionally we reviewed the scinetific, research literature, legislations, reports, etc. Furthermore, we conducted 8 expert interviews with the social workers, heads of the small group home programs and carer.
MA Thesis. Beberashvili. Sulamanidze socmuS.pdf
მცირე საოჯახო ტიპის სახლებში მცხოვრები ბავშვები და განათლება
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