კულტურისა და ქცევის მიმართების საკითხები თანამედროვე ფსიქოლოგიურ ანთროპოლოგიაში
Date Issued
The present work is an attempt to highlight the importnat role of the interdisciplinary field - Psychological Anthropology in explaning human behaviour. The field gives the opportunity unifying two fields of science – Psychology and Antropology for studying human behaviour. Consequently, the aim of the paper is to describe the intersection of those fields and define the role of contemporary psychological anthropology school - the cultural model school - in discussing the culture and behavior relation problems. The comparison of psychological and anthropological explanations of human behavior identifies the areas where the neccessity of mutual approach is obvious.
The systematization of theorethical views about the culture and behavior relation outlined the possibility to integrate the Georgian Psychological School’s explanatory potential in the field of contemporary psychological anthropology. According to the views of current phase of Uznadze’s Set Theory development the dispositional set is considered as an intermediating mental entity between the culture and behavior.
Last but not least, the present paper focuses on not only the theoretical issues, but also reviews the neccessary procedures of future empirical research that should be designed according to the theoretical viewpoints discussed in the paper.
The systematization of theorethical views about the culture and behavior relation outlined the possibility to integrate the Georgian Psychological School’s explanatory potential in the field of contemporary psychological anthropology. According to the views of current phase of Uznadze’s Set Theory development the dispositional set is considered as an intermediating mental entity between the culture and behavior.
Last but not least, the present paper focuses on not only the theoretical issues, but also reviews the neccessary procedures of future empirical research that should be designed according to the theoretical viewpoints discussed in the paper.
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კულტურისა და ქცევის მიმართების საკითხები თანამედროვე ფსიქოლოგიურ ანთროპოლოგიაში
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