Properties of the US presidential election and the possible impact of Russia
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The topic concerns the actual issue of international relations - the properties of the US presidential election and the possible involvement of Russia in the presidential election of 2016. The main historica characteristics of the US presidential elections, socio-political and economic methods of influence on the electorate and new trends in the political process of the presidential elections are examined and analyzed. US-Russian relations and the possibilities of cyberattacks.
Properties of the American presidential election. In today's world, which is characterized by rapid global development, in social vocabulary, not only for developing, but also for the communities of developed countries, terms that have been firmly established today are singled out. Terms of such types: Cyberspace, Informative warfare, Informative security, Cybercrime or Cyberattacks. All this represents an informative-technological complex, which is a problem of the XXI Century.
In recentyears, we have witnessed a so-called "informative explosion", when on informative networks the management of its capabilities or uses became virtually impossible.
In the history of international relations, an important phenomenon can be considered the property of elections in 2016 in the United States. It is closely connected with such problems with which all countries of the world are struggling to date. Proceeding from the fact that in the 21stcentury, the rapid development of technology, how it positively affected our life, and clearly expressed its negative aspects, we should also note the fact that the negative side not only of life but also at the global level was flawed.
We have tried in the work to deeply convey and analyze the above problems. The paperal so discusses the main documents related to the US selective system and its security. Attention has also been paid to the cyberattack of Russia, which has recently become a subject of wide consideration.
Properties of the American presidential election. In today's world, which is characterized by rapid global development, in social vocabulary, not only for developing, but also for the communities of developed countries, terms that have been firmly established today are singled out. Terms of such types: Cyberspace, Informative warfare, Informative security, Cybercrime or Cyberattacks. All this represents an informative-technological complex, which is a problem of the XXI Century.
In recentyears, we have witnessed a so-called "informative explosion", when on informative networks the management of its capabilities or uses became virtually impossible.
In the history of international relations, an important phenomenon can be considered the property of elections in 2016 in the United States. It is closely connected with such problems with which all countries of the world are struggling to date. Proceeding from the fact that in the 21stcentury, the rapid development of technology, how it positively affected our life, and clearly expressed its negative aspects, we should also note the fact that the negative side not only of life but also at the global level was flawed.
We have tried in the work to deeply convey and analyze the above problems. The paperal so discusses the main documents related to the US selective system and its security. Attention has also been paid to the cyberattack of Russia, which has recently become a subject of wide consideration.
Ana gelashvili.pdf
ამერიკის შეერთებული შტატების საპრეზიდენტო არჩევნების თავისებურებები და რუსეთის შესაძლო გავლენა 2016 წლის პრეზიდენტის საარჩევნო კამპანიაზე
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