Ampelographic and Enological Charachterisation of Rare Georgian Grapevine Varieties Originated from West Georgia
Date Issued
Georgia is an ancient center of viticulture and winemaking and is distinguished by a large number of autochthonous grape varieties in the World. However, a combination of various factors, such as climate change, the invasion of pests and an emphasis on yield, has resulted that the most varieties being endangered for extinction and are only preserved in collection plots today.
Recently, competition in the global wine market has sharply increased the interest of winemakers in rare grape varieties.The ampelographic and oenological study of these varieties will allow experts to assess the agricultural and technological indicators of a particular variety, to cultivate promising varieties and to make different type of wines. At the same time, a scrupulous study of the gene pool of Georgian vines is important for breeders in order to identify promising accessions with characteristics, that will be successfully used in the future breeding programs.
This work will discuss the results of research on rare and little-studied grape varieties originated from Western Georgia and preserved in Jigaura collection, including the following varieties like Khrogi, Kvira, Beroula, Jineshi, Livanuri Tetri, Kakutura, Dziragaulis Shavi, Tsru Tsolikauri and Dzelshavi Sachkheris.
The research of the varieties was carried out using, internationaly approved research methods and the complete ampelographic, eno-carpological and oenological characterization of the varieties were done.
The research results are dedicated to the experts of viticulture and winemaking and the amateur persons interesting general aspects of grape growing.
Recently, competition in the global wine market has sharply increased the interest of winemakers in rare grape varieties.The ampelographic and oenological study of these varieties will allow experts to assess the agricultural and technological indicators of a particular variety, to cultivate promising varieties and to make different type of wines. At the same time, a scrupulous study of the gene pool of Georgian vines is important for breeders in order to identify promising accessions with characteristics, that will be successfully used in the future breeding programs.
This work will discuss the results of research on rare and little-studied grape varieties originated from Western Georgia and preserved in Jigaura collection, including the following varieties like Khrogi, Kvira, Beroula, Jineshi, Livanuri Tetri, Kakutura, Dziragaulis Shavi, Tsru Tsolikauri and Dzelshavi Sachkheris.
The research of the varieties was carried out using, internationaly approved research methods and the complete ampelographic, eno-carpological and oenological characterization of the varieties were done.
The research results are dedicated to the experts of viticulture and winemaking and the amateur persons interesting general aspects of grape growing.
Gvantsa Tsukoshvili Samagistro.pdf
დასავლეთ საქართველოს მცირედ გავრცელებული ვაზის ჯიშების ამპელოგრაფიული და ენოლოგიური დახასიათება
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