მოტივაციის კვლევა შედარებით მენეჯმენტში
Date Issued
The thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters and a conclusion. The plot of the thesis introduction is characterized as common content.
I Chapter deals with the essence of motivation and its significance in comparative management.
Motivation is a deliberate selection of certain type of action which is determined according to the complex impact of internal and external aspects. Providing staff with results obtained from proper work unites employees’ interests and the targets of an organization. The equation elaborated by G.R. Johns and J. George highlights the overall unity of targets of staff and an organization; pg-28.
In order to visualize the significance of motivation main tasks are highlighted which can be solved by means of proper motivation; pg-29.
Researchers’ opinion concerning a motive being a purposeful encouragement is also touched upon in the thesis. Motivation is discussed within the framework of Comparative Management. The basis of motive and demand variety is considered the social-cultural environment in which an individual’s specific type of behavior is formed. The following point is also emphasized: a successful activity of any organization is dependent not only on staff qualification but also efficient application of the existing personnel and its proper management. According to international researches, an essential condition for proper management of motivation is considered taking staff priorities, requirements, interests, ambitions, individual and mental characteristics into consideration within comparative management. It will serve to fully activate staff professional characteristics, skill and ability of communication and other necessary aspects for efficient work. In addition, in order proper motivation to be planned and implemented in Comparative Management within the framework of cross- cultural relations, the types of demands, national characteristics of intensity and impulsiveness of wishes are highlighted.
I Chapter deals with the essence of motivation and its significance in comparative management.
Motivation is a deliberate selection of certain type of action which is determined according to the complex impact of internal and external aspects. Providing staff with results obtained from proper work unites employees’ interests and the targets of an organization. The equation elaborated by G.R. Johns and J. George highlights the overall unity of targets of staff and an organization; pg-28.
In order to visualize the significance of motivation main tasks are highlighted which can be solved by means of proper motivation; pg-29.
Researchers’ opinion concerning a motive being a purposeful encouragement is also touched upon in the thesis. Motivation is discussed within the framework of Comparative Management. The basis of motive and demand variety is considered the social-cultural environment in which an individual’s specific type of behavior is formed. The following point is also emphasized: a successful activity of any organization is dependent not only on staff qualification but also efficient application of the existing personnel and its proper management. According to international researches, an essential condition for proper management of motivation is considered taking staff priorities, requirements, interests, ambitions, individual and mental characteristics into consideration within comparative management. It will serve to fully activate staff professional characteristics, skill and ability of communication and other necessary aspects for efficient work. In addition, in order proper motivation to be planned and implemented in Comparative Management within the framework of cross- cultural relations, the types of demands, national characteristics of intensity and impulsiveness of wishes are highlighted.
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