საწარმოს ფინანსური სამსახურის ანალიტიკური და საკონტროლო საქმიანობა
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The master's thesis deals with the main functions of the enterprise finance service, analysis and control of the financial activities of the enterprise is also set out. The financial indicators of LTD “Georgian Water and Power” and risks associated with its activities are analyzed.
Analytical and controlling activities of the Financial Service play an important role in the success of the enterprise. That is why, we should consider factors that increase the efficiency of the financial service. Financial resources management is impossible without analysis and control.
As a result of analytical and controlling activities of the Financial Service we have information about the past, current and expected processes in the enterprise. Only through this information can be made adequate solutions, planning and implementation. Control allows us to find the company's weaknesses, difficulties and manage efficiently financial resources.
Analytical and controlling activities of the Financial Service play an important role in the success of the enterprise. That is why, we should consider factors that increase the efficiency of the financial service. Financial resources management is impossible without analysis and control.
As a result of analytical and controlling activities of the Financial Service we have information about the past, current and expected processes in the enterprise. Only through this information can be made adequate solutions, planning and implementation. Control allows us to find the company's weaknesses, difficulties and manage efficiently financial resources.
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საწარმოს ფინანსური სამსახურის ანალიტიკური და საკონტროლო საქმიანობა
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