გაზეთი ,,დროება“ ქართული ლიტერატურის სამსახურში
Date Issued
Work includes the history of establishing the most interesting and meaningful Georgian newspaper “Droeba”. It is a history in mid-19th century when it was the most intense and controversial not only Georgian publishing activities but also Georgian public opinion and life cycle. The work consists of the introduction, five chapters and conclusion. In the introductory part of the work are talking about the national spirit of the Georgian intelligence which was revealed in the newspaper of “Droeba”. The first chapter of the work includes a general overview of the cultural and educational situation in the middle 19th centuries. The second chapter deals with the initiative establishment and the organizational activities of the newspaper. The third chapter contains not only the publication content of the newspaper but also the main topics and issues which are referred to the publicist of “Droeba”. Writings fifth chapter presentates contribution, which this newspaper involved the development of Georgian literature. And the last fourth chapter of the work is discussed the national spirit and character of the newspaper, as well as it’s popularity in terms of national unity and integrity that covered the problems of Adjara and the whole Georgia in general. The conclusion of the work conveys the significance and merits of the newspaper which are leading to the national awareness and the establishment of national unity’s thought.
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გაზეთი ,,დროება“ ქართული ლიტერატურის სამსახურში
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