Modern Forms of Merge and Acquisition of International Companies (Zurabi Mnatsakanovi)
Date Issued
During discussing the labor, we touched the theoretical aspects of merger and acquisition, ascertained the significance of merge and acquisitions and discussed the definitions of these concepts of different authors. Also acquainted the main motives of merge-procurement, what put in motion the companies to realize these arrangements. Learned the essence and meaning of synergy, also analyzed the effect which creates the synergy. With all these, we discussed the historical stages of M&A market development, will touch in details those 7 waves that the merge and absorption market had passed.
In the second part of the labor we defined in details the modern forms of merge and acquisition. Particularly, discussed the types of merge and absorption, classified the market according to the geographical sign, acquainted the dependence of the company towards the merge. The issue is reinforced through many examples of merge-purchase to understand the issue better.
In the third part of the labor we discussed the worldwide market development tendency of merge and absorption. In this part is conducted static analysis of development the market of merge and acquisition and is cited the data with corresponding years. Is discussed and analyzed the whole cost of merge and absorption in all regions according to the years and also is singled out those sections which are chosen from the companies with big activity. Are cited many examples of the companies which conducted enormous arrangements.
In the second part of the labor we defined in details the modern forms of merge and acquisition. Particularly, discussed the types of merge and absorption, classified the market according to the geographical sign, acquainted the dependence of the company towards the merge. The issue is reinforced through many examples of merge-purchase to understand the issue better.
In the third part of the labor we discussed the worldwide market development tendency of merge and absorption. In this part is conducted static analysis of development the market of merge and acquisition and is cited the data with corresponding years. Is discussed and analyzed the whole cost of merge and absorption in all regions according to the years and also is singled out those sections which are chosen from the companies with big activity. Are cited many examples of the companies which conducted enormous arrangements.
Zurab Mnacakanovi.pdf
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