მცირე და საშუალო მეწარმეობის განვითარების ხელშემწყობი ეკონომიკური პოლიტიკა
Date Issued
It has been many years since Georgia has been in post Soviet Transformation phase and faces big challenges after obtaining independence. Creating a favorable environment for small and medium sized business is crucial for the country. The following work represents a supportive economic policy for small and medium sized businesses – the government policy which should provide the development of small and medium sized entrepreneurship using targeted intervention and market independence in a given set of economic conditions. The work also discusses the advantages of small and medium size entrepreneurship for individuals as well as the society and the arguments are supported with the corresponding theoretical principles, views and circumstances that were used to stimulate and develop the entrepreneurship. During the last couple of decades, significant economic policy has been carried out. In particular, the changes were made in the tax approach, the borders of government bureaucratic body have been liberalized in terems of entrepreneurial activities.
Despite that, Georgia is not yet standing out due to its level of economic boom, unlike other leading post Soviet countries. At the same time, it is important to distinguish between economic growth and economic development. These two phenomena represent the fundament that should hold an economy during continuous prosperity. The work also highlights those theoretical ground rules that was used for stimulating entrepreneurship and as for the Georgian experience, the work demonstrates the examples of Baltic countries in parallel with the Georgian practice.
Despite that, Georgia is not yet standing out due to its level of economic boom, unlike other leading post Soviet countries. At the same time, it is important to distinguish between economic growth and economic development. These two phenomena represent the fundament that should hold an economy during continuous prosperity. The work also highlights those theoretical ground rules that was used for stimulating entrepreneurship and as for the Georgian experience, the work demonstrates the examples of Baltic countries in parallel with the Georgian practice.
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მცირე და საშუალო მეწარმეობის განვითარების ხელშემწყობი ეკონომიკური პოლიტიკა
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