ტერორიზმის ხასიათი და სახელმწიფოთა თანამშრომლობა
Date Issued
The paper, The Nature of Terrorism and the Cooperation of States, consists of an introduction, two chapters, twelve subsections, and a conclusion. The first chapter of the paper discusses the formation and definition of the concept of terrorism, the criminological classification of terrorism, terrorism in the spectrum of social conflicts, the legislative and institutional framework, as well as institutional mechanisms.
It is noted that the classification of terrorism is based on various criteria reflecting this or that aspect. Given this, its numerous group may exist in V.V. Ustinov believes that the multiplicity of classifications leads to the fact that often incomparable concepts can be thought of in the same sense with the same meaning, although due to the diversity of the nature of terrorism, its multiple separations are possible.
The second chapter of the paper discusses international cooperation against terrorism. International cooperation in the fight against international terrorism. Forms, extradition, international cooperation.
Because of their transnational nature, terrorism, like all transnational organized crime, poses serious problems for national justice systems. National courts try criminals, as there is no international tribunal that has jurisdiction over terrorism cases, unless there are elements that constitute crimes that fall within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court.
The paper concludes.
It is noted that the classification of terrorism is based on various criteria reflecting this or that aspect. Given this, its numerous group may exist in V.V. Ustinov believes that the multiplicity of classifications leads to the fact that often incomparable concepts can be thought of in the same sense with the same meaning, although due to the diversity of the nature of terrorism, its multiple separations are possible.
The second chapter of the paper discusses international cooperation against terrorism. International cooperation in the fight against international terrorism. Forms, extradition, international cooperation.
Because of their transnational nature, terrorism, like all transnational organized crime, poses serious problems for national justice systems. National courts try criminals, as there is no international tribunal that has jurisdiction over terrorism cases, unless there are elements that constitute crimes that fall within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court.
The paper concludes.
Nino Kobakhidze Samagistro.pdf
ტერორიზმის ხასიათი და სახელმწიფოთა თანამშრომლობა
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