რეგულირების მიმდინარე რეფორმები საქართველოში და მათი გავლენა დაგეგმვის პოლიტიკაზე
Date Issued
The thesis deals current regulatory reforms in Georgia and their impact on the planning policy.
The work includes: title page, content, abstract, introductory part, main part and conclusion.
The thesis reviewed 3 reforms: pension reform, standards established by the National Bank and competition reform. Initially, the essence of these reforms and their impact on planning policy is explained. As for the practical part of the research, I investigated 3 large banks of Georgia: “VTB Bank Georgia”, “TBC Bank” and “Liberty Bank” and the impact of regulations established by the National Bank on their financial position. This reform can have a big impact both on individual companies and on the economy, and therefore I decided to evaluate its impact on the example of successful banks operating in Georgia.
The survey was conducted in the above banks and interviewed about 100 people. The aim of the survey was to find out how respondents relate to the reforms that are presented in the master's work.
At the end of the thesis, conclusions are drawn in which the theoretical and practical parts are analyzed and recommendations are given.
The work includes: title page, content, abstract, introductory part, main part and conclusion.
The thesis reviewed 3 reforms: pension reform, standards established by the National Bank and competition reform. Initially, the essence of these reforms and their impact on planning policy is explained. As for the practical part of the research, I investigated 3 large banks of Georgia: “VTB Bank Georgia”, “TBC Bank” and “Liberty Bank” and the impact of regulations established by the National Bank on their financial position. This reform can have a big impact both on individual companies and on the economy, and therefore I decided to evaluate its impact on the example of successful banks operating in Georgia.
The survey was conducted in the above banks and interviewed about 100 people. The aim of the survey was to find out how respondents relate to the reforms that are presented in the master's work.
At the end of the thesis, conclusions are drawn in which the theoretical and practical parts are analyzed and recommendations are given.
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რეგულირების მიმდინარე რეფორმები საქართველოში და მათიგავლენა დაგეგმვის პოლიტიკაზე
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