ინსტიტუციური რეფორმები საქართველოს გარდამავალ ეკონომიკაში
Date Issued
The need for economic reforms arises when the economy is in an inefficient state, and
transformation is necessary to transition to an effective trajectory. Georgia has passed the
difficult path of an economy in transition, the study and understanding of which is crucial
for identifying future prospects and promoting sustainable development reforms. The fact
that the level of development of the country is unsatisfactory makes the study of the
experience of economic reforms of independent Georgia actual.
New findings and innovation of the research: the research is a fundamental study of
institutional transformations in Georgia that complexly examines the current and past state
of the economy and seeks to make logical conclusions about the future course and trajectory
of the economy:
From the point of view of institutional reform and comparative analysis of
other countries, there is a strong argument that the success of economic reforms largely
depends on political will.
The main threat to the Georgian economy is the lack of well-established
institutions that put the country on the path of ineffective development. And overcoming it
is a major challenge, as evidenced by the analysis of Georgia's international rankings and
lagging behind.
The green economy and small entrepreneurship are key factors in sustainable
development, and we have tried to prove the importance of government care on their
development. We had to interpret these factors in Georgian reality.
In a survey of small entrepreneurs, we found that the state should increase the
popularity of measures and reforms to strengthen this institution in order to give
entrepreneurs a chance to use opportunities.
Examples of some countries in relation to dodecorization reform are presented
in the dynamics and it is explained that dodecorization should not be separated from the
course of macroeconomic policy. Moreover, the policy of de-dollarisation would be
ineffective without close links to macroeconomic theory.
The purpose of the research is to study, analyze, pass conclusions and identify future
prospects for sustainable development based on Georgia's transitional economy reforms.
transformation is necessary to transition to an effective trajectory. Georgia has passed the
difficult path of an economy in transition, the study and understanding of which is crucial
for identifying future prospects and promoting sustainable development reforms. The fact
that the level of development of the country is unsatisfactory makes the study of the
experience of economic reforms of independent Georgia actual.
New findings and innovation of the research: the research is a fundamental study of
institutional transformations in Georgia that complexly examines the current and past state
of the economy and seeks to make logical conclusions about the future course and trajectory
of the economy:
From the point of view of institutional reform and comparative analysis of
other countries, there is a strong argument that the success of economic reforms largely
depends on political will.
The main threat to the Georgian economy is the lack of well-established
institutions that put the country on the path of ineffective development. And overcoming it
is a major challenge, as evidenced by the analysis of Georgia's international rankings and
lagging behind.
The green economy and small entrepreneurship are key factors in sustainable
development, and we have tried to prove the importance of government care on their
development. We had to interpret these factors in Georgian reality.
In a survey of small entrepreneurs, we found that the state should increase the
popularity of measures and reforms to strengthen this institution in order to give
entrepreneurs a chance to use opportunities.
Examples of some countries in relation to dodecorization reform are presented
in the dynamics and it is explained that dodecorization should not be separated from the
course of macroeconomic policy. Moreover, the policy of de-dollarisation would be
ineffective without close links to macroeconomic theory.
The purpose of the research is to study, analyze, pass conclusions and identify future
prospects for sustainable development based on Georgia's transitional economy reforms.
Sadoktoro Surmanidze.pdf
ინსტიტუციური რეფორმები საქართველოს გარდამავალ ეკონომიკაში
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