ინოვაციური მეწარმეობის ეკოსისტემის ფორმირების პერსპექტივები და დაფინანსების შესაძლებლობები მსოფლიო მასშტაბით
Date Issued
Innovative entrepreneurship in small and medium enterprises plays a special role in the development of the country's economy. It ensures economic sustainability and its inclusive development. The entrepreneurial sector contributes to the introduction of modern business in the country and the development of new opportunities. The world is raising the competitiveness of the entrepreneurial sector, creating innovation and developing it.
This thesis aims to identify the challenges facing innovative entrepreneurs around the world. Evaluate, analyze and find a way to develop them. To determine how well public or private support programs work, what impact they have on creating a new innovative product.
The results will show us the problems faced by entrepreneurs at different stages of development and allow us to measure the effectiveness of various support programs.
The thesis clearly discusses what innovation means, which evaluation criteria are used, shows the subjects of innovative activities, stages of development, ways and perspectives.
Also focusing on the risk factors in the innovative entrepreneurship process, discussing some of the most successful innovative business models in the world, we talk about all the necessary information that an entrepreneur needs to create an innovative product. Private or public support programs clearly show funding statistics, investment, and access to funding sources. This thesis also developed the Baltic Doingbusiness Index, SWOT Analysis of Georgia, and developed recommendations for optimizing innovative entrepreneurship.
This thesis aims to identify the challenges facing innovative entrepreneurs around the world. Evaluate, analyze and find a way to develop them. To determine how well public or private support programs work, what impact they have on creating a new innovative product.
The results will show us the problems faced by entrepreneurs at different stages of development and allow us to measure the effectiveness of various support programs.
The thesis clearly discusses what innovation means, which evaluation criteria are used, shows the subjects of innovative activities, stages of development, ways and perspectives.
Also focusing on the risk factors in the innovative entrepreneurship process, discussing some of the most successful innovative business models in the world, we talk about all the necessary information that an entrepreneur needs to create an innovative product. Private or public support programs clearly show funding statistics, investment, and access to funding sources. This thesis also developed the Baltic Doingbusiness Index, SWOT Analysis of Georgia, and developed recommendations for optimizing innovative entrepreneurship.
Nato Maglakelidze.pdf
ინოვაციური მეწარმეობის ეკოსისტემის ფორმირების პერსპექტივები და დაფინანსების შესაძლებლობები მსოფლიო მასშტაბით
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