ინვესტიციები ადამიანურ კაპიტალში და მისი გავლენა ეკონომიკურ განვითარებაზე
The Impact of Investment in Human Capital on Economic Development
Date Issued
In the modern global and innovation world to develop competitive economics and to reach high level of economic growth, it's neccessary to use efficiency the labour factor. This is impossible without development of human capital and without working out the modern system of education and training of personnel. It's also impossible without radical reforms in educational system and without increase government expenditure on education. There are a directly proportional attitude between government spending on education and economic growth in the long term. Human capital affects on economic growth and can help to develop an economy through the knowledge and experience of people. High level of Human capital development is important because it is perceived to increase productivity and thus profitability.
Accordingly, the main aim of this scientific work is to work out the system of concrete measures to raise the effectiveness of investments in human capital, its role and meaning in the modern global world. There are given the human capital as the most important factor for raising the productivity, the theories of improvement of human capital in modern world scientific practice, the meaning of educational system and its role improvement of human capital, investments in structure of educational system and the directions for raising efficiency of educatinal and training system in Georgia.
Accordingly, the main aim of this scientific work is to work out the system of concrete measures to raise the effectiveness of investments in human capital, its role and meaning in the modern global world. There are given the human capital as the most important factor for raising the productivity, the theories of improvement of human capital in modern world scientific practice, the meaning of educational system and its role improvement of human capital, investments in structure of educational system and the directions for raising efficiency of educatinal and training system in Georgia.
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ინვესტიციები ადამიანურ კაპიტალში და მისი გავლენა ეკონომიკურ განვითარებაზე
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