საქართველო-თურქეთის სავაჭრო ეკონომიკური ურთიერთობები დამოუკიდებლობის აღდგენის შემდეგ
Date Issued
Georgian-Turkish trade economic relations after the restoration of independence The latest history of Georgia-Turkey relations as an independent entities, begins after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Turkey was one of the first states that recognized Georgia’s independence and deeply deepened bilateral relations in different directions.
Nowadays Turkey is a strategic partner for Georgia. Since Turkey was and is an important for our country as an economically and politically, it is necessary to describe the events of that period, Its historical and theoretical aspects, the normative base of trade-economic relations, moreover, my theme is aimed at fulfilling that task, namely the description of ,,the latest trade-economic relations between Georgia and Turkey’’.
The theme is divided into three parts, beginning with a historical review of theoretical aspects of Georgia-Turkey trade and economic relations, normative base of trade-economic relations, and the following with the current states, and at the end future prospects .
Nowadays Turkey is a strategic partner for Georgia. Since Turkey was and is an important for our country as an economically and politically, it is necessary to describe the events of that period, Its historical and theoretical aspects, the normative base of trade-economic relations, moreover, my theme is aimed at fulfilling that task, namely the description of ,,the latest trade-economic relations between Georgia and Turkey’’.
The theme is divided into three parts, beginning with a historical review of theoretical aspects of Georgia-Turkey trade and economic relations, normative base of trade-economic relations, and the following with the current states, and at the end future prospects .
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საქართველო-თურქეთის სავაჭრო ეკონომიკური ურთიერთობები დამოუკიდებლობის აღდგენის შემდეგ
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