დამოუკიდებელ სახელმწიფოთა თანამეგობრობის ქვეყნებიდან საქართველოში განხორციელებული პირდაპირი უცხოური ინვესტიციების სტატისტიკური ანალიზი
Date Issued
Foreign direct investment is currently considered an important factor in ensuring high economic growth for any country, especially for developing and emerging economies.
The paper discusses the role of FDI in the development of the economy of the country, components of FDI, as well as its positive consequences and the possible risks. The work analyses the sources of investment and the impact of the FDI on the country's economic growth.
The paper examines the global economic environment and trends of FDI in the context of globalization. It also discusses the investments made from post-communist countries in Georgia after 1995 in details.
The paper analyses the impact of FDI on Georgia's economic growth using the statistical analysis methods. In particular, it studies FDI by sources and components, Georgia's position in the global economic market according to FDI, the role of FDI in the Georgian economy, FDI in Georgia by regions and countries, FDI Number of investments by sectors of economy, FDI in Georgia from CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) countries and largest FDI in Georgia.
The paper discusses the role of FDI in the development of the economy of the country, components of FDI, as well as its positive consequences and the possible risks. The work analyses the sources of investment and the impact of the FDI on the country's economic growth.
The paper examines the global economic environment and trends of FDI in the context of globalization. It also discusses the investments made from post-communist countries in Georgia after 1995 in details.
The paper analyses the impact of FDI on Georgia's economic growth using the statistical analysis methods. In particular, it studies FDI by sources and components, Georgia's position in the global economic market according to FDI, the role of FDI in the Georgian economy, FDI in Georgia by regions and countries, FDI Number of investments by sectors of economy, FDI in Georgia from CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) countries and largest FDI in Georgia.
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დამოუკიდებელ სახელმწიფოთა თანამეგობრობის ქვეყნებიდან საქართველოში განხორციელებული პირდაპირი უცხოური ინვესტიციების სტატისტიკური ანალიზი
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