ორგანიზაციული დიაგნოსტირების როლი ორგანიზაციის ფუნქციონირების გაუმჯობესებაში
Date Issued
Rapid changes and development represent the main challenges of modern organizations. Based on the above-mentioned, present work aims at the following goals:
● Better illustration of the organizational diagnosis in the process of its development;
● Conducting diagnostic analysis; and
● Based on the aforementioned, elaboration of recommendations for the specific organization.
In this scientific work we are going to focus on the significance of organizational development and transformation for current organizations and demonstrate the reason why the fast changes and adaptation to the business environment became the most important challenge for the 21st century organizations and their managers.
Organizations are changed along the improvement in the business invironment. New theories and sophisticated attitudes towards organizations are further developed. It is necessary to tailor/adapt the organizational needs to the business environment, so that the organization would survive and function efficiently.
● Better illustration of the organizational diagnosis in the process of its development;
● Conducting diagnostic analysis; and
● Based on the aforementioned, elaboration of recommendations for the specific organization.
In this scientific work we are going to focus on the significance of organizational development and transformation for current organizations and demonstrate the reason why the fast changes and adaptation to the business environment became the most important challenge for the 21st century organizations and their managers.
Organizations are changed along the improvement in the business invironment. New theories and sophisticated attitudes towards organizations are further developed. It is necessary to tailor/adapt the organizational needs to the business environment, so that the organization would survive and function efficiently.
MA Thesis. Mchedlishvili organ.pdf
ორგანიზაციული დიაგნოსტირების როლი ორგანიზაციის ფუნქციონირების გაუმჯობესებაში
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