შრომითი კმაყოფილებისა და დემოგრაფიული ცვლადების კავშირის კვლევა
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The research paper is studying relation between job satisfaction and demographic variables.
Employment generally is very important on individual level, but satisfaction degree of employees at the workplace is more important. The issue of job satisfaction in the 21st century is quite relevant.
Scientists often argue about which variable affects job satisfaction more. A person with a high degree of satisfaction will develop positive emotions towards work. Each manager should know what is important for increasing employee productivity. In frames of this paper, there are discussed conclusions of several researches and scientists about what makes the employees to have high job satisfaction. Qualitative research methods have been chosen and used during this survey, specifically Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) and Greenhaus, Parasuraman, and Wormley's Career Satisfaction Questionnaire. Research sample size composed from 160 respondents. The goal of the research was to identify how demographic variables, such as sex, age, marital status, education, work experience and position affect job satisfaction. The results of the study have shown that some demographic variables have significant or less significant impact on labor satisfaction, and some variables have not been observed to have any influence on satisfaction level at all.
Employment generally is very important on individual level, but satisfaction degree of employees at the workplace is more important. The issue of job satisfaction in the 21st century is quite relevant.
Scientists often argue about which variable affects job satisfaction more. A person with a high degree of satisfaction will develop positive emotions towards work. Each manager should know what is important for increasing employee productivity. In frames of this paper, there are discussed conclusions of several researches and scientists about what makes the employees to have high job satisfaction. Qualitative research methods have been chosen and used during this survey, specifically Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) and Greenhaus, Parasuraman, and Wormley's Career Satisfaction Questionnaire. Research sample size composed from 160 respondents. The goal of the research was to identify how demographic variables, such as sex, age, marital status, education, work experience and position affect job satisfaction. The results of the study have shown that some demographic variables have significant or less significant impact on labor satisfaction, and some variables have not been observed to have any influence on satisfaction level at all.
MA Thesis.Meliqidze evroint.pdf
შრომითი კმაყოფილებისა და დემოგრაფიული ცვლადების კავშირის კვლევა
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