ორგანიზებული დანაშაულობის თავიდან აცილების ღონისძიებები
Date Issued
Organized crime is one of the most complicate offences in the world of crime.Despite using a lot of mechanizms the achievement of some countries about crime still looks weak.In the given piece of work there are many ways how our countries should fight with this offence.
The increased number of organized crime in Georgia means a step backward to the past,which is undesirable time to be even remembered,the time when corruption was predominary,also judicial agencies did not do their honestly.more over they did crime themselves.
The number of commiting crime has reached the highest point.The number of unregulated income of criminals is often several miliion dollars.the most terrifying fact is the one which certain gangs of criminals commit in the state.At first they try to stay unvisible for the constables.while studying the state and ofter that they step dorward.Thats why the state should not admit such offences.The crime should be cut out at once in order to avoid the possibility of being chosen as a victim.
In this piece of work it is easy to see clearly the achievements that Georgia has made in the fight again crime,but theres still much to be done.It is the main purpose the author of this wark is trying to say.
The increased number of organized crime in Georgia means a step backward to the past,which is undesirable time to be even remembered,the time when corruption was predominary,also judicial agencies did not do their honestly.more over they did crime themselves.
The number of commiting crime has reached the highest point.The number of unregulated income of criminals is often several miliion dollars.the most terrifying fact is the one which certain gangs of criminals commit in the state.At first they try to stay unvisible for the constables.while studying the state and ofter that they step dorward.Thats why the state should not admit such offences.The crime should be cut out at once in order to avoid the possibility of being chosen as a victim.
In this piece of work it is easy to see clearly the achievements that Georgia has made in the fight again crime,but theres still much to be done.It is the main purpose the author of this wark is trying to say.
Samagistro Nugar Kirtadze.pdf
ორგანიზებული დანაშაულობის თავიდან აცილების ღონისძიებები
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