საქართველოს სატრანზიტო გადაზიდვების ზრდის შესაძლებლობები
Date Issued
This paper "The possible growth of Georgian Transit shipments" is written in Tbilisi Open University in Georgian. It includes 57 pages typed on the computer. The work consists of the introduction, general part, and a conclusion. It also includes discussions, research; Includes a list of used literature, attachments, images, tables and diagrams.
The introduction of the paper reflects the current interests of the discussed topic. The importance of Georgia's transit routes in economic terms, the methodology of conducted research conducted, the purpose of the research.
Paper consists of 6 chapters, introduction and conclusion. The geopolitical location of Georgia always played an important role from the start, this is the reason the first chapter is dedicated to giving you the general overview of Georgia's geopolitical location and transit transportation.
This chapter describes the geopolitical location of the country and its favorable conditions in view of this location; Here is suggested the definitions of transit and the regulation of transit cargo in Georgia.
The second chapter contains the historical overview of Georgia's transit from an ancient past to today.
We had the most important road routes (Silk Road) from East to West, from north to south.
With the growth of Georgia's economy, state structures want to expand Georgia as a trans-Caucasian corridor. It’s the shortest route to connect Europe and Asia. The country has an important resource for carrying out more transit, which would have a great economic growth/impact for Georgia.
Based on the mentioned information following chapter discusses Georgia's transit logistic.
The transport and lodging sector of the country includes marine, rail, road and air systems that have the lead roles in showing the potential of this country as a transitional country.
The fourth chapter gives information about international transit ratings and what place Georgia ranks in this rating.
According to the survey which was conducted in 2016-2017, Georgia marks 59th place among 138 countries participating in the study.
The fifth chapter gives information about the companies that carry transit in the Georgian market. These companies are: Mersk Georgia, Katon & Company Georgia, Silk Road Group, Mediterranean Shipping Company, Forward Line.
In each of the subsections, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of companies and the ways of transportation they use.
The sixth chapter may be considered as the main chapter of this paper since it summarizes all the above-mentioned information; It also includes the conclusions developed during the obtaining information through analyzing the researches and analysis on the possibilities of increasing transit of Georgia.
The introduction of the paper reflects the current interests of the discussed topic. The importance of Georgia's transit routes in economic terms, the methodology of conducted research conducted, the purpose of the research.
Paper consists of 6 chapters, introduction and conclusion. The geopolitical location of Georgia always played an important role from the start, this is the reason the first chapter is dedicated to giving you the general overview of Georgia's geopolitical location and transit transportation.
This chapter describes the geopolitical location of the country and its favorable conditions in view of this location; Here is suggested the definitions of transit and the regulation of transit cargo in Georgia.
The second chapter contains the historical overview of Georgia's transit from an ancient past to today.
We had the most important road routes (Silk Road) from East to West, from north to south.
With the growth of Georgia's economy, state structures want to expand Georgia as a trans-Caucasian corridor. It’s the shortest route to connect Europe and Asia. The country has an important resource for carrying out more transit, which would have a great economic growth/impact for Georgia.
Based on the mentioned information following chapter discusses Georgia's transit logistic.
The transport and lodging sector of the country includes marine, rail, road and air systems that have the lead roles in showing the potential of this country as a transitional country.
The fourth chapter gives information about international transit ratings and what place Georgia ranks in this rating.
According to the survey which was conducted in 2016-2017, Georgia marks 59th place among 138 countries participating in the study.
The fifth chapter gives information about the companies that carry transit in the Georgian market. These companies are: Mersk Georgia, Katon & Company Georgia, Silk Road Group, Mediterranean Shipping Company, Forward Line.
In each of the subsections, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of companies and the ways of transportation they use.
The sixth chapter may be considered as the main chapter of this paper since it summarizes all the above-mentioned information; It also includes the conclusions developed during the obtaining information through analyzing the researches and analysis on the possibilities of increasing transit of Georgia.
Mamuka Toloraia Samagistro.pdf
საქართველოს სატრანზიტო გადაზიდვების ზრდის შესაძლებლობები
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