The cooperation of International Monetary Fund and National Bank of Georgia: Results and Perspectives on Development
Date Issued
Weakened by the civil war, it was quite difficult for a post-communist country to mobilize internal financial resources, in fact, it was unimaginable in the beginning. It was even difficult to make recommendations to develop a suitable, correct economic policy. International institutions have played very serious role in solving the problems.
The thesis determines the place of the International Monetary Fund in Georgia; Analyze and evaluate implemented projects; Identifying the reasons of their success/failure and finding ways to correct the shortcomings; And also, observing the result of the analysis, development of recommendations for deepening Georgia's relations.
Many remarkable successes have been achieved in Georgia's cooperation with the International Monetary Fund, but mistakes have also been made. As an object we encounter the problems identified during this relationship.
The topic is relevant, as Georgia is still a country with a transitional economy, therefore, all changes are very important and need to be based on research.
Particularly noteworthy are the current events, given the Coronavirus pandemic, which has led to significant changes, not only here, but has caused the global economic crisis.
The thesis presents all the important measures taken by the IMF and the NBG during the relationship, their results, conclusions and recommendations.
The thesis determines the place of the International Monetary Fund in Georgia; Analyze and evaluate implemented projects; Identifying the reasons of their success/failure and finding ways to correct the shortcomings; And also, observing the result of the analysis, development of recommendations for deepening Georgia's relations.
Many remarkable successes have been achieved in Georgia's cooperation with the International Monetary Fund, but mistakes have also been made. As an object we encounter the problems identified during this relationship.
The topic is relevant, as Georgia is still a country with a transitional economy, therefore, all changes are very important and need to be based on research.
Particularly noteworthy are the current events, given the Coronavirus pandemic, which has led to significant changes, not only here, but has caused the global economic crisis.
The thesis presents all the important measures taken by the IMF and the NBG during the relationship, their results, conclusions and recommendations.
Anna Soselia.pdf
საერთაშორისო სავალუტო ფონდისა და საქართველოს ეროვნული ბანკის თანამშრომლობა: შედეგები და განვითარების პერსპექტივები
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