საქართველოს მოსახლეობის მიგრაცია პოსტსაბჭოთა პერიოდში
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Discussing migration process is crucial for a country‟s economic development.
Immigration and emigration can drastically affect country‟s economical stability.
Migration processes, depending on many factors, can have positive or negative impact on a country, that‟s why this topic is always discussed and is a subject of constant debate.
Governments and international organizations often plan conventions about migrations with aim to discuss and solve migration related problems with special policies.
Due to continuous migration process it is hardly possible to make precise accounting, thus the analysis is given properly according to its statistical and expert researches. The process of migration is a highly important issue for both developed and beneficiary countries.
The given topic considers migration process of Georgia in the post-soviet period, when the emigration from the country was in its top. Also there is reviewed directions of migration, main purpose and number of in and out migrants. Description out within the years and comparative analysis.
Immigration and emigration can drastically affect country‟s economical stability.
Migration processes, depending on many factors, can have positive or negative impact on a country, that‟s why this topic is always discussed and is a subject of constant debate.
Governments and international organizations often plan conventions about migrations with aim to discuss and solve migration related problems with special policies.
Due to continuous migration process it is hardly possible to make precise accounting, thus the analysis is given properly according to its statistical and expert researches. The process of migration is a highly important issue for both developed and beneficiary countries.
The given topic considers migration process of Georgia in the post-soviet period, when the emigration from the country was in its top. Also there is reviewed directions of migration, main purpose and number of in and out migrants. Description out within the years and comparative analysis.
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საქართველოს მოსახლეობის მიგრაცია პოსტსაბჭოთა პერიოდში
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