ტრანსფორმაციული მშვიდობის მშენებლობა კვიპროსსა და საქართველოში: შედარებითი კვლევა
Date Issued
Aim of this research is to study the reason of different dynamics of peacebuilding processes in
Georgia and Cyprus.
Research puzzle of the paper is the setting, where despite the same post-conflict environment by
2017 conflict was positively transformed in Cyprus while in Georgia’s conflict affected regions - in
Abkhazia and South Ossetia - were not.
Research question of the paper is the following – why conflict transformation did not take place in
Georgia unlike Cyprus? Hypothesis states that unlike Cyprus, conflict transformation in Georgia
was not possible due to lack of physical interaction between conflict-divided societies.
Structurally first part of the paper focuses on the methodology and importance of the research as
well as analysis of the John Paul Lederach’s Transformative Peacebuilding Theory which is used for
the explanation of the hypothesis. Relevant academic literature is also reviewed in the first part of
the study. Second part of the paper moves on to the description, study and comparative analysis of
peace process in Cyprus and Georgia.
Comparative analysis shows the empirical relevance of the hypothesis and presents direct
correlation between physical interaction between conflict-divided societies and conflict
Georgia and Cyprus.
Research puzzle of the paper is the setting, where despite the same post-conflict environment by
2017 conflict was positively transformed in Cyprus while in Georgia’s conflict affected regions - in
Abkhazia and South Ossetia - were not.
Research question of the paper is the following – why conflict transformation did not take place in
Georgia unlike Cyprus? Hypothesis states that unlike Cyprus, conflict transformation in Georgia
was not possible due to lack of physical interaction between conflict-divided societies.
Structurally first part of the paper focuses on the methodology and importance of the research as
well as analysis of the John Paul Lederach’s Transformative Peacebuilding Theory which is used for
the explanation of the hypothesis. Relevant academic literature is also reviewed in the first part of
the study. Second part of the paper moves on to the description, study and comparative analysis of
peace process in Cyprus and Georgia.
Comparative analysis shows the empirical relevance of the hypothesis and presents direct
correlation between physical interaction between conflict-divided societies and conflict
MA Thesis. Abramashvili (1) dip.pdf
ტრანსფორმაციული მშვიდობის მშენებლობა კვიპროსსა და საქართველოში: შედარებითი კვლევა
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