ინგლისური ენის გრამატიკის საკითხების სწავლება ინდუქციურიდა დედუქციური მეთოდებით საბაზო საფეხურზე
Date Issued
It should be pointed out that students’ level of English language knowledge has improved inGeorgia, but this fact does not exclude the existence of problems. The main purpose of teachingEnglish is communication. It is impossible to communicate without grammar.
Grammar learning is a difficult process. The teacher can teach grammar issues with a deductiveand inductive approaches. The teachers have to define and plan in advance which approach isappropriate for their students. In order to get the learning process interesting and fun.
The teacher should introduce such activities that will help students to improve their ownknowledge and will have a positive impact on the development of students, cognitioncreativity, critical thinking and other relevant skills.
The actuality of the research: Grammar is one of the most important point in the Englishlanguage teaching process. It is interesting to know what the problems are in the grammar
teaching process at Secondary school. What are these problems caused and which approach isused by Georgian English language teachers to help students make grammatical material easier.
The aim of the research is to study English-language grammar learning practices through
inductive and deductive methods.
Grammar learning is a difficult process. The teacher can teach grammar issues with a deductiveand inductive approaches. The teachers have to define and plan in advance which approach isappropriate for their students. In order to get the learning process interesting and fun.
The teacher should introduce such activities that will help students to improve their ownknowledge and will have a positive impact on the development of students, cognitioncreativity, critical thinking and other relevant skills.
The actuality of the research: Grammar is one of the most important point in the Englishlanguage teaching process. It is interesting to know what the problems are in the grammar
teaching process at Secondary school. What are these problems caused and which approach isused by Georgian English language teachers to help students make grammatical material easier.
The aim of the research is to study English-language grammar learning practices through
inductive and deductive methods.
MA Marika Dadiani.pdf
ინგლისური ენის გრამატიკის საკითხების სწავლება ინდუქციური და დედუქციური მეთოდებით საბაზო საფეხურზე
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