სარისკო კაპიტალის აქტივიზაცია საქართველოს საბანკო სისტემაში
Date Issued
The introduction discusses the importance of topic, which lies in the fact, that in recent years many attempts have been made to explain the theoretical basis of the venture capital market functioning. Typically, these were examples of foreign countries in particular directions and observed the helpful experience for Georgia. But in Georgian reality, considering the characteristics of the country's economic development level, a clear definition of its formation and regulation can’t be verified. But according to the status quo, further development of market relations, investment and innovative policy development at the state level is impossible without solving this problem. Condition is aggravated by the fact that in recent two decades of the independence of Georgia, the economic and social situation, the tax system and other legislative acts were often changed. Thus, the urgent need of formation and development of the venture capital market is not only due to the need to revitalize the process, but also to give the intense nature to it.
Also justified the need of studying the problem. Defined goals and objectives of the research, the subject and object of the study, where the subject is economic relations, which arise in the process of formation and functioning of venture capital.
The object of the study is the venture capital market in the transition economies. In the introduction are also set the expected results of the research.
Also justified the need of studying the problem. Defined goals and objectives of the research, the subject and object of the study, where the subject is economic relations, which arise in the process of formation and functioning of venture capital.
The object of the study is the venture capital market in the transition economies. In the introduction are also set the expected results of the research.
B-ალექსანდრე ხვედელიან%9.pdf
სარისკო კაპიტალის აქტივიზაცია საქართველოს საბანკო სისტემაში
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