Geopolitical and geoeconomic aspects of the Nagorno-Karabakh military conflict in November 2020
Date Issued
The master's thesis presents an overview of the geopolitical and geo economic aspects of the Nagorno-Karabakh military conflict. Also discussed are the foreign directions of the countries in the South Caucasus region and the analysis of internal security problems. Also, the aim of the master's thesis is to analyze the regional aspects of the balance of power based on historical aspects. Presenting the political directions of the South Caucasus region and their dynamics taking into account various factors and circumstances.
It must be said that the lasting Caucasian peace and the general balance of power in the region have historically always depended on the interests of a few key geopolitical players. In recent years, these players are: Russia, Turkey, the US, Iran and the EU. The current events should be considered in the context of the balance of power of regional interests of these players.
The collapse of the Soviet Union and the establishment of sovereign states in the post-Soviet space, as well as the adjustment of the world political map and global geostrategic changes, again made the South Caucasus a major force in the region. And also as an object of crossing geopolitical interests between players.
The situation and stability in the South Caucasus is a very topical issue in the international community. Whereas there are a number of disruptive processes that prevent conflicts from being resolved. In the presented master thesis I will try to fully present and analyze the current situation.
It must be said that the lasting Caucasian peace and the general balance of power in the region have historically always depended on the interests of a few key geopolitical players. In recent years, these players are: Russia, Turkey, the US, Iran and the EU. The current events should be considered in the context of the balance of power of regional interests of these players.
The collapse of the Soviet Union and the establishment of sovereign states in the post-Soviet space, as well as the adjustment of the world political map and global geostrategic changes, again made the South Caucasus a major force in the region. And also as an object of crossing geopolitical interests between players.
The situation and stability in the South Caucasus is a very topical issue in the international community. Whereas there are a number of disruptive processes that prevent conflicts from being resolved. In the presented master thesis I will try to fully present and analyze the current situation.
Revaz Osadze Samagistro.pdf
2020 წლის ნოემბრის მთიანი ყარაბაღის სამხედრო კონფლიქტის გეოპოლიტიკური და გეოეკონომიკური ასპექტები
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