Political Islam and its influence on the operation and development of terrorist organizations in the Middle East
Date Issued
In the Middle East, in the 20sand 30s of the twenties century, and especially in the newly formed states the strong politization of Islam and following establishment of radical Islamic organizations was facilitated by the interests of the great players of those times (Great Britain, France). Among the other radical organizations, the Egyptian,,Muslim Brotherhood‘’, was of the pioneers with this regard.
This organization laid the foundation for the rest of the Islamist terrorist organizations, whose main ideologues were based on their ideology.
Terrorist organizations became especially active in the 1980s.Numerous terrorist organizations have emerged from this period.The formation of radical Islamic organizations and the expansion of their sphere of influence continued into the twenty-first century.
They are quite different from the terrorist organizations of the twentieth century in their structure, finances, military exercises, weapons etc. They use social networks quite well, among other means, and pose a serious threat to the region.In this respect, the more radical organization "Islamic State" known as "Daesh" or ISIS isprominent among the existing radical terrorist organizations.
This organization laid the foundation for the rest of the Islamist terrorist organizations, whose main ideologues were based on their ideology.
Terrorist organizations became especially active in the 1980s.Numerous terrorist organizations have emerged from this period.The formation of radical Islamic organizations and the expansion of their sphere of influence continued into the twenty-first century.
They are quite different from the terrorist organizations of the twentieth century in their structure, finances, military exercises, weapons etc. They use social networks quite well, among other means, and pose a serious threat to the region.In this respect, the more radical organization "Islamic State" known as "Daesh" or ISIS isprominent among the existing radical terrorist organizations.
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