Incorporating ICT for authentic materials application in English for Specific Purposes classroom at higher education institutions
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We are living in a world of advanced technology, and most learners are exposed to ICT-based classrooms, where technology integration in learning process serves as one of the hottest buzzwords in education all around the world. Nowadays, especially after the outbreak of COVID-19, technology integration has become not only a recommended, but also an inevitable way of running any academic process, including English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and English for Specific Purposes (ESP). The presented article is an attempt to once more emphasize the importance of integrating technologies in teaching ESP in at the level of tertiary education in Georgia for effective usage of authentic materials – TED Talks, Live stream, etc. – in the classroom, particularly while teaching ESP, and to prove its significance on the basis of the survey whose respondent were ESP specialists. A conclusion had been made that the application of ICT in teaching / learning ESP is the most contemporary approach, which increases student motivation, engagement, autonomy, and language skills level. This happened due to the authentic nature of materials. The article recommends to increase the ICT use in ESP classes, to make them more various by materials and methods of teaching
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Incorporating ICT for authentic materials application in English for Specific Purposes classroom at higher education institutions
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