დავით კლდიაშვილის სოციალურ-პოლიტიკურ კრიზისს შეწირული პერსონაჟები
Date Issued
Lado Kldiashvili is writer, whose work says new in all epoch, it triggers different emotions in all generation, thing to is always the same – to show us face of Gorgian people at the crossroad of ages.
It must be noted, that he has his own style of writing. He describes life full of tragism and dramatism with humor, irony and sometimes, even with grotesque. All of them frequently happens because of confusion, because they cannot understand what David wanted to say. Great example is dialogue happened at Davids celebration ceremony, when one presenter said, David Kldiashvili was greatly laughing at autumn gentries, then David replied: “-It is not true, I have never laughed at anyone”.
The goal of this work is to show David Kldiashvili’s work through all edges and to understand great information, which if hidden under “humor” by the author.
It must be noted, that he has his own style of writing. He describes life full of tragism and dramatism with humor, irony and sometimes, even with grotesque. All of them frequently happens because of confusion, because they cannot understand what David wanted to say. Great example is dialogue happened at Davids celebration ceremony, when one presenter said, David Kldiashvili was greatly laughing at autumn gentries, then David replied: “-It is not true, I have never laughed at anyone”.
The goal of this work is to show David Kldiashvili’s work through all edges and to understand great information, which if hidden under “humor” by the author.
Tamuna Kartsivadze Samagistro.pdf
დავით კლდიაშვილის სოციალურ-პოლიტიკურ კრიზისს შეწირული პერსონაჟები
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