ახალი ძვლოვანი მინერალის გამოყენება დენტალურ იმპლანტაციაში
Date Issued
In dentistry there is a separate direction of surgical treatmens to create optimal conditions for
implantation. Main group in this direction is reconstructive-boneplastic operations,
which are directed to increase volume in the implantation area.
For this needs a wide range of materials can be used, like collagen, hydroxyapatite and various
combinations of this two, also conserved alo-, xeno- and autobone. One of the most used version
of autobone implant is taken from Crista Iliaca, that contains sustainable osteoblasts and stem cells
that are potent to induct osteogenesis.
Our main goal was to create a biotolerant bone matrix that can be successfully used to increase
volume of the bone tissue for implantation purposes.
To achieve this goal, we set some targets:
1. Engineer and refine technological steps to create decellularized neutral bone matrix form
cattle bone tissue;
2. Optimize bone tissue decellularisation method;
3. Simulate bone tissue defect in experimental animals that is very near to clinical terms;
4. Examine effectiveness of our new natural bone matrix for underjaw bone defect
5. Onestep implantation of natural, mineral matrix (Bio-Oss) and titanium implant to restore
underjaw defect;
6. Onestep implantation of new natural decellularized bone and titanium implant to restore
underjaw defect;
7. Make a comparative analysis of effectiveness in bone tissue augmentation between
decellularized bone matrix developed by us and natural bone mineral “Bio-Oss” (Switzerland)
implantation. Main group in this direction is reconstructive-boneplastic operations,
which are directed to increase volume in the implantation area.
For this needs a wide range of materials can be used, like collagen, hydroxyapatite and various
combinations of this two, also conserved alo-, xeno- and autobone. One of the most used version
of autobone implant is taken from Crista Iliaca, that contains sustainable osteoblasts and stem cells
that are potent to induct osteogenesis.
Our main goal was to create a biotolerant bone matrix that can be successfully used to increase
volume of the bone tissue for implantation purposes.
To achieve this goal, we set some targets:
1. Engineer and refine technological steps to create decellularized neutral bone matrix form
cattle bone tissue;
2. Optimize bone tissue decellularisation method;
3. Simulate bone tissue defect in experimental animals that is very near to clinical terms;
4. Examine effectiveness of our new natural bone matrix for underjaw bone defect
5. Onestep implantation of natural, mineral matrix (Bio-Oss) and titanium implant to restore
underjaw defect;
6. Onestep implantation of new natural decellularized bone and titanium implant to restore
underjaw defect;
7. Make a comparative analysis of effectiveness in bone tissue augmentation between
decellularized bone matrix developed by us and natural bone mineral “Bio-Oss” (Switzerland)
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ახალი ძვლოვანი მინერალის გამოყენება დენტალურ იმპლანტაციაში
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