ნატო-თურქეთის ურთიერთობის აქტუალური ასპექტები და პრობლემები: თანამშრომლობა თუ კონფრონტაცია?!
Date Issued
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is a political and military alliance formed on April 4, 1949. NATO’s purpose is to guarantee the freedom and security of its members through political and military means. Alliance strictly defends and respects principles and values such as sovereignty of member states, democracy, individual liberty, territorial integrity or political independence, human rights, the rule of law etc. NATO's role and its functions are very important in order to ensure peace and stability through the world. The member states of the organization, along with NATO, are trying to combat the problems of the 21st century by introducing modern safe systems.
The paper discusses relations between NATO and one of its member country –Turkey. Thesis consists the research of historical aspects, current issues, challenges and political perspectives in the future.
The significance of NATO for Turkey, as well as the importance of Turkey for NATO is clearly reflected. Turkey is increasing cooperative policy with Russian Federation and it creates additional questions and issues for the interests of Allianse with this course. However, as a member of the Black Sea Region geographically, Turkey has a special role to play in controlling the current situation in the Black Sea or in the Middle East and to pursue Western interests there.
The paper discusses relations between NATO and one of its member country –Turkey. Thesis consists the research of historical aspects, current issues, challenges and political perspectives in the future.
The significance of NATO for Turkey, as well as the importance of Turkey for NATO is clearly reflected. Turkey is increasing cooperative policy with Russian Federation and it creates additional questions and issues for the interests of Allianse with this course. However, as a member of the Black Sea Region geographically, Turkey has a special role to play in controlling the current situation in the Black Sea or in the Middle East and to pursue Western interests there.
Samagistro Shelia.pdf
ნატო-თურქეთის ურთიერთობის აქტუალური ასპექტები და პრობლემები: თანამშრომლობა თუ კონფრონტაცია?!
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