აშშ-ჩინეთის ურთიერთობების ფარგლებში არსებული დაპირისპირებისა და თანამშრომლობის ძირითადი ასპექტები
Date Issued
In the current international situation, the relations between the United States and China are of great importance. Relationships developed against the background of ideological or geopolitical disagreements can have a significant impact on the ongoing processes in the world. In the complex relations of states, aspects of controversy and cooperation have been revealed throughout history.
China's claim to be the most powerful state is perceived as a threat to America. The growth of China's military potential, the strengthening of its position in the East and the world's first growing economy are dangerous for America. Given the economic and military situation in the United States, the country will be at the forefront of the world for a long time, however, a state like China may become the main challenger of America. Thanks to China's growing economy, it has already gained political and economic influence in the East, and if it continues to grow at this rate, the strength of US positions will be called into question.
Many are asking whether China will be able to become the next superpower. So interesting developments are taking place in the relations between the two countries, which in turn affects the existing international system.
China's claim to be the most powerful state is perceived as a threat to America. The growth of China's military potential, the strengthening of its position in the East and the world's first growing economy are dangerous for America. Given the economic and military situation in the United States, the country will be at the forefront of the world for a long time, however, a state like China may become the main challenger of America. Thanks to China's growing economy, it has already gained political and economic influence in the East, and if it continues to grow at this rate, the strength of US positions will be called into question.
Many are asking whether China will be able to become the next superpower. So interesting developments are taking place in the relations between the two countries, which in turn affects the existing international system.
Samagistro Lomsadze.pdf
აშშ-ჩინეთის ურთიერთობების ფარგლებში არსებული დაპირისპირებისა და თანამშრომლობის ძირითადი ასპექტები
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