The ways of raising Competitiveness of higher and vocational education systems in Georgia
Date Issued
Education and science are related to the needs of the country, the strengthening of social life and the economy. The success of Georgia's European integration process is notably depends on the effectiveness of the field of education.
The goal of my study is to set ways for increasing the competitiveness within higher and vocational education systems. The subject of study is higher and professional education, while the objective of research is the highest and vocational education systems of Georgia.
In order to achieve the goal, we discussed the educational system of Georgia and its stages, analyzed the legislative basis for regulation of higher education and professional education in Georgia, characcterised the highest and vocational education systems of Georgia according to economic indicators.Besides,we studied current reforms and programs in higher and vocational education systems of Georgia . For studying the issue in depth we used the method of survey.
In accordance with the analysis of our survey, graduates of higher institutions face difficulties according to speed of employmet. Besides, students of higher and vocational institutions complian about lack of practical work. With the aim of improving integration to Europe ,they recommend variety of exchange programes, equip with the material infrastructure of the educational institutions, implementation the modern methods of teaching, increase the motivation of professors and territorial availability of institutions.
The goal of my study is to set ways for increasing the competitiveness within higher and vocational education systems. The subject of study is higher and professional education, while the objective of research is the highest and vocational education systems of Georgia.
In order to achieve the goal, we discussed the educational system of Georgia and its stages, analyzed the legislative basis for regulation of higher education and professional education in Georgia, characcterised the highest and vocational education systems of Georgia according to economic indicators.Besides,we studied current reforms and programs in higher and vocational education systems of Georgia . For studying the issue in depth we used the method of survey.
In accordance with the analysis of our survey, graduates of higher institutions face difficulties according to speed of employmet. Besides, students of higher and vocational institutions complian about lack of practical work. With the aim of improving integration to Europe ,they recommend variety of exchange programes, equip with the material infrastructure of the educational institutions, implementation the modern methods of teaching, increase the motivation of professors and territorial availability of institutions.
Mari Gotsadze Samagistro.pdf
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