ამერიკის შეერთებული შტატების რბილი ძალის ფაქტორი, პოსტსაბჭოთა ქვეყნებთან ურთიერთობაში
Date Issued
In general, the concept of force is paramount for international relations, which is the starting point for the notion of political thinking.
The effective use of "soft power" means can promote the illusion of mutual respect, trust and understanding, and also allow the state to influence political and humanitarian processes in the world and in individual countries.
"Soft power" is focused on the gradual and long-term intervention of an object in its zone of influence.
The main means of exerting a "soft" impact are: information flows; Political PR focused on a foreign audience; Global marketing; The language of the country; Public diplomacy; Tourism, sports and cultural exchange; Education system, student exchange; National Diaspora; Dialogue of Cultures. The effective use of these tools creates an opportunity to strengthen the influence of the state entity on political and humanitarian processes in the state facility and in the world as a whole.
The effective use of "soft power" means can promote the illusion of mutual respect, trust and understanding, and also allow the state to influence political and humanitarian processes in the world and in individual countries.
"Soft power" is focused on the gradual and long-term intervention of an object in its zone of influence.
The main means of exerting a "soft" impact are: information flows; Political PR focused on a foreign audience; Global marketing; The language of the country; Public diplomacy; Tourism, sports and cultural exchange; Education system, student exchange; National Diaspora; Dialogue of Cultures. The effective use of these tools creates an opportunity to strengthen the influence of the state entity on political and humanitarian processes in the state facility and in the world as a whole.
Samagistro Maisuradze.pdf
ამერიკის შეერთებული შტატების რბილი ძალის ფაქტორი, პოსტსაბჭოთა ქვეყნებთან ურთიერთობაში(საქართველოს, უკრაინის და რუსეთის ფედერაციის მაგალითზე)
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