Tendencies of Internnational Migration of Human Resources in Globalization period
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The existing financial, social, political situation in everycountry of the world, have forced local citizens to leave their national territories and migrate to the foreign countries. Increasing international migration of human resources has highlighted sharp issues connected to the migration in each country of the world, being it receiver or releaser of emigrants.
Master degree research topic is connected to the tendencies of international migration of human resources in globalization process.
Issues connected to the international migration of human resources like, labor migration and factors influencing it, as well as modern causes of human resource migration and methodological analysis are discussed in thefirst chapters of the work.
The following topics are presented in the second chapter: social and economical aspects of international migration of human resources;Its development modern tendencies and regulation ways.
In the third chapter main attention is directed to Georgia; the influence and results of international migration of human resources. Methods and their realization ways which are necessary to improve emigrants’ social, economical, demographical conditions are analyzed.
Finally, methodologies, aspects and reasons of international migration of human resources in globalization conditions, in every country of the world are completely summarized in the conclusion. Also attention is paid to the essentiality of coordinated, agreed collaboration between countires, in order to get mutually profitable decisions.
Master degree research topic is connected to the tendencies of international migration of human resources in globalization process.
Issues connected to the international migration of human resources like, labor migration and factors influencing it, as well as modern causes of human resource migration and methodological analysis are discussed in thefirst chapters of the work.
The following topics are presented in the second chapter: social and economical aspects of international migration of human resources;Its development modern tendencies and regulation ways.
In the third chapter main attention is directed to Georgia; the influence and results of international migration of human resources. Methods and their realization ways which are necessary to improve emigrants’ social, economical, demographical conditions are analyzed.
Finally, methodologies, aspects and reasons of international migration of human resources in globalization conditions, in every country of the world are completely summarized in the conclusion. Also attention is paid to the essentiality of coordinated, agreed collaboration between countires, in order to get mutually profitable decisions.
Natia Jafaridze Samagistro.pdf
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