Transnational corporations influence the development of the country's consumer market in globalization
Date Issued
The theme of the work is the influence of transnational corporations on the country's consumer market. Under globalization, transnational corporations are the driving force of the key processes in the world and national economies. They, in most cases, have a positive impact on developing economies and their consumer markets.
The impact of transnational corporations on the consumer market of receiving countries is very versatile and is not always positive. This is due to the fact that the attitude of the receiving countries and transnational corporations is difficult, which is due to their different interests, as well as the asymmetry of power. But in most cases (especially if there is a target program for the development of relations with transnational corporations), the recipient country is acquired by transnational companies in the country.
The evolution of the transnational corporations originated, the advantages and disadvantages of entering their national consumer markets, the goals and the peculiarities.
The characteristics of the transnational corporations influence on the development of Georgia's consumer market discussed in the paper. By analyzing the data obtained based on the respondents' surveys, we have identified the impact of transnational corporations on Georgia's consumer market. Based on the research conducted at the end of the thesis conclusions are made and practical suggestions are set.
The impact of transnational corporations on the consumer market of receiving countries is very versatile and is not always positive. This is due to the fact that the attitude of the receiving countries and transnational corporations is difficult, which is due to their different interests, as well as the asymmetry of power. But in most cases (especially if there is a target program for the development of relations with transnational corporations), the recipient country is acquired by transnational companies in the country.
The evolution of the transnational corporations originated, the advantages and disadvantages of entering their national consumer markets, the goals and the peculiarities.
The characteristics of the transnational corporations influence on the development of Georgia's consumer market discussed in the paper. By analyzing the data obtained based on the respondents' surveys, we have identified the impact of transnational corporations on Georgia's consumer market. Based on the research conducted at the end of the thesis conclusions are made and practical suggestions are set.
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ტრანსნაციონალური კორპორაციების გავლენა ქვეყნის სამომხმარებლო ბაზრის განვითარებაზე გლობალიზაციის პირობებში
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