რუსული პროპაგანდის გამოვლინებათა სპეციფიკა ქართულ ონლაინმედიაში
Date Issued
The aim of this paper is to research the characteristics of Russian propaganda in Georgian online
media. The paper should demonstrate the main messages that help media organisations influence
their readers. Much research already exists on this topic, but it remains important to further
investigate this crutial issue. The geographical and political location of Georgia,its desire to
joinWestern institutions, and the issue of occupied territories all drive the need to fight against
Russian propaganda.
The purpose of this research was not to demonstrate the main media publications of Russian
propaganda. We used “Media Development Foundation’s’’ report where they have already
identified pro-Russian online media organisations - Geworld.ge and Saqinform.ge. We added
Altinfo.ge as we supposed this is pro-Russian media as well. We decided to monitor and identify
the messages and methods through which they attempt to influence public opinion.
media. The paper should demonstrate the main messages that help media organisations influence
their readers. Much research already exists on this topic, but it remains important to further
investigate this crutial issue. The geographical and political location of Georgia,its desire to
joinWestern institutions, and the issue of occupied territories all drive the need to fight against
Russian propaganda.
The purpose of this research was not to demonstrate the main media publications of Russian
propaganda. We used “Media Development Foundation’s’’ report where they have already
identified pro-Russian online media organisations - Geworld.ge and Saqinform.ge. We added
Altinfo.ge as we supposed this is pro-Russian media as well. We decided to monitor and identify
the messages and methods through which they attempt to influence public opinion.
MA Thesis. Tchanturidze maskomi.pdf
რუსული პროპაგანდის გამოვლინებათა სპეციფიკა
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