ასეანის ქვეყნების ჩართულობის პრობლემები რეგიონულ და გლობალურ ეკონომიკურ პროცესებში
Date Issued
The formation of regional economic blocs in modern world has particular importance, as
economic power is the main factor in determining the strength of the country. The present workrefers to the South-East Asian countries and how they established their own regional economicunion ASEAN, what is the main goal of its creation and how the organization operates on the
world's economic arena.
In order to accomplish the work, I had to get acquainted with the economic structure of
the organization, its role and place in modern geoeconomic architecture. I also analyzed variousreports of international organizations about the region that enabled me to get acquainted with
the geo-economic strategy of the research region and the most importantly, this work enabledme to study the region's economic potential for our country.
economic power is the main factor in determining the strength of the country. The present workrefers to the South-East Asian countries and how they established their own regional economicunion ASEAN, what is the main goal of its creation and how the organization operates on the
world's economic arena.
In order to accomplish the work, I had to get acquainted with the economic structure of
the organization, its role and place in modern geoeconomic architecture. I also analyzed variousreports of international organizations about the region that enabled me to get acquainted with
the geo-economic strategy of the research region and the most importantly, this work enabledme to study the region's economic potential for our country.
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ასეანის ქვეყნების ჩართულობის პრობლემები რეგიონულ და გლობალურ ეკონომიკურ პროცესებში / გეოეკონომიკური ანალიზი /
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