შესრულებული სამუშაოს ხარისხის მართვის სტანდარტების დანერგვა საქართველოს საჯარო სექტორში: ელექტრონული მექანიზმების გამოყენების ინტენსივობა და ეფექტურობა
Date Issued
There are many novelties in Georgian Public Sector based on New Civil Service Law. The basic changes
were made to develop and institutionalize the institute of Professional Civil Servant. As a result of these
changes Performance Management system is being developed by developing performance appraisal
system, career management and rewarding systems and opportunities of professional development. The
issue is becoming more actual as the implementation of the system will have important legal outcomes,
on the on hand, career promotion and on the other hand, dismission of professional civil servants, but the
theme has not been researched yet.
The aim of the conducted survey is to analyze the intensivity of implementation of electronic tools and
based on this process, to identify if the development of performance management system is focused on
effectiveness and producticity. To achieve this goal, there are some research objectives: analyzing the
perceptions of civil servants from Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Foreign
Affairs; in addition, the research is concentrated on the opinions of representatives from HR units from
the above-mentioned organizations; furthermore, there is an objective to conduct comparative analysis
of the expert opinions of Georgian and Foreign HR experts and practitioners. The achievement of these
objectives will give an opportunity to analyze the perspectives and challenges of implementation of
performance management system and the usage of technologies through this process.
were made to develop and institutionalize the institute of Professional Civil Servant. As a result of these
changes Performance Management system is being developed by developing performance appraisal
system, career management and rewarding systems and opportunities of professional development. The
issue is becoming more actual as the implementation of the system will have important legal outcomes,
on the on hand, career promotion and on the other hand, dismission of professional civil servants, but the
theme has not been researched yet.
The aim of the conducted survey is to analyze the intensivity of implementation of electronic tools and
based on this process, to identify if the development of performance management system is focused on
effectiveness and producticity. To achieve this goal, there are some research objectives: analyzing the
perceptions of civil servants from Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Foreign
Affairs; in addition, the research is concentrated on the opinions of representatives from HR units from
the above-mentioned organizations; furthermore, there is an objective to conduct comparative analysis
of the expert opinions of Georgian and Foreign HR experts and practitioners. The achievement of these
objectives will give an opportunity to analyze the perspectives and challenges of implementation of
performance management system and the usage of technologies through this process.
MA Thesis. Tchrikishvili sajaro.pdf
შესრულებული სამუშაოს ხარისხის მართვის სტანდარტების დანერგვა საქართველოს საჯარო სექტორში: ელექტრონულიმექანიზმების გამოყენების ინტენსივობა და ეფექტურობა
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