შრომითი ურთიერთობები საჯარო სამსახურში
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Public service is the main mechanism for state functioning. In order to have effective and functional public service, it is necessary to staff it with professional employs. The public servant is a central figure whose professional development level, skills and abilities lead to successful public governance.
Specific functions of civil servants are the general interests of the state and deserve different status. The field is characterized by a series of peculiarities. Traditionally, working conditions related to the employment procedure, career development, salary principles, social benefits and ethics in public and private sectors are different. The division of the labor market into two parts is underlined by the fact that in many countries the labor conditions of people employed in the public sector is regulated by a separate law, which means that public servants obey the strictly defined hierarchy.
The labor conditions for public sector employs in Georgia, as well as in many EU countries, are regulated by the relevant legislative framework. According to international and local experts, the regulations and definitons in the Law of Georgia on Public Service were vague and did not serve to create a politically neutral and impartial environment.
Specific functions of civil servants are the general interests of the state and deserve different status. The field is characterized by a series of peculiarities. Traditionally, working conditions related to the employment procedure, career development, salary principles, social benefits and ethics in public and private sectors are different. The division of the labor market into two parts is underlined by the fact that in many countries the labor conditions of people employed in the public sector is regulated by a separate law, which means that public servants obey the strictly defined hierarchy.
The labor conditions for public sector employs in Georgia, as well as in many EU countries, are regulated by the relevant legislative framework. According to international and local experts, the regulations and definitons in the Law of Georgia on Public Service were vague and did not serve to create a politically neutral and impartial environment.
MA Thesis.Zviadadze evroin.pdf
შრომითი ურთიერთობები საჯარო სამსახურში (შედარებით-სამართლებრივი ანალიზი)
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